Magan Wallcovering Installers employs the best industry practices to deliver high-quality wallcovering installations that elevate your space to the next level.

Samples of our work.


Osborne & Little


From New York to Martha's Vineyard, we've worked with designers from all over the Tri-State area. We specialize in grasscloths, fabrics, Gracie’s, DeGournay, leather, handprints, and custom-made murals.

Dream Hotel, NYC


We have extensive experience working in interiors for restaurants, hotels, and offices. Some of our clients include Empire State Realty Trust,, TD Bank, Bank of America, and Synchrony Financial.

Phillip Jeffries


We work with the best designers in NY, CT, and MA including House of Clement, Audra Canfield Interiors, and Beth Krupa Interiors. We can also offer ideas to complement yours and guide you through decorating your home.

Hip design for an ever growing company


We worked with Edgequarter's Lead Designer Audra Canfield on this project.'s offices were given a hip-fresh look for the young-aged work force. Wallcoverings with light blue and orange colors were picked to complement's logo and environment.

Pictures by

A country-style home gets a modern look


Could be called a bunker, could also be called a man-cave. This steel-looking wall is the very first thing you see when you enter this guest house. It is a custom-made wallcovering installation made of a thick plastic-backed aluminum foil and about 4000 rivets. To compliment the "steel" wall the client also wanted an upholstered leather counter top in the bar area - this time we only needed 400 rivets!



And to top it upholstered leather bar top.

Gracie Studio delivers yet another stunning scenic


Gracie Studio is known for their handpainted scenic florals and panoramic landscapes. This time we installed a Gracie in the client’s hallway leading to their master bedroom. A beautiful garden view with grays and golden colors gives the impression that you are in fact walking through your own sunny yard year-round whether it’s cold or hot outside!



A trendy Brooklyn establishment gets a signature look.


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High-end living in the Upper East Side


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